Linda Barnes

Linda Barnes

Travel Consultant Woodstock (Outside Sales)

Contact Linda


Hello, my name is Linda Barnes and I am an outside agent with Enjoy Travel. I have been selling travel for 9 years and have been with this group for 7. I initially worked in the office for 5 years but then became an Outside Agent. Working as an Outside Agent allows me to work and meet with clients outside of traditional hours, when and where it is convenient. I do love the flexibility it provides.

I decided to sell travel because I love to travel with my husband, children and extended family! I have learned so much as a travel agent and have an enormous amount of appreciation for what a travel agent does that I had no idea about before! I have traveled to the Mediterranean and Alaska more than once, the Canary Islands, Hawaii, Bermuda, Eastern and Western Canada as
well as the USA a great deal, and the Caribbean islands many times. My favorites and where I will definitely return would have to be Europe and Hawaii. We love to cruise and have more than one already booked! Bucket destinations would be cruising around South America and Africa and exploring much more of Europe! I love the airport, I really do! It is the portal to

I truly enjoy helping my clients plan their vacations. It is wonderful to hear about the great adventures when they return!